Our love for poor people has turned into a commitment within our lives

Activities and projects of OASI

Especially in its early years, OASI had the opportunity to make itself known both locally and nationally, through, on the one hand, numerous conventions that it promoted, both at its head office and above all at the Ateneo di Bari (Bari University), on topics and issues related to its activities in developing countries, with guests of international standing and with significant support from the public; and on the other hand, through affiliation and cooperation with CIPSI (the most authoritative national coordinator of Italian NGOs, its head office being in Rome) and with some of the most respected Italian NGOs that are active worldwide.

Over the years, OASI has received both national and international accolades, favourable acknowledgements and assessments, for having shown that it conducts effective cooperation activities with developing countries, especially with Mozambique and Albania, through a system of local interventions that are very simple and transparent in terms of their accountability, particularly for their many private donors.

Among other things, OASI and its members can be proud of:
building an elementary school that has become one of the best regarded in Mozambique having promoted and supported the largest cooperative enterprise producing poultry meat in the whole of Mozambique having saved thousands of people in the year 2000 Mozambique floods
having organised humanitarian interventions in Albania during the years of new mass exoduses, following the collapse of financial institutions having given providential and vital support to the marginalised ethnic minority, the Magjup, in the town of Scutari (Albania) having saved a large group of orphans and children in need from the isolated island of Chinde, Zambezia mobilising the population of the town and province of Bari (Italy) with theatrical performances organised to raise funds, for the project named "Chinde calls Bari" that won the support of thousands of locals; ...and so forth. 

Completed projects and projects under way

With the exclusive aim of social solidarity, in its first fifteen years of activity, OASI, has promoted and created, the following structures and intervention projects in the field of community oriented social and health services:

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